All Posts in The Growing Artist Aggregation

All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!

Thinking about buying a pen tablet, should I buy one?

  7 votes Voting finished

Yippe !! Drawing is finished and I'm super proud of it !!

Not something I'm used to drawing :D

Drew my Table Partners

/Friends of the year in Drawing Class!

sometimes i forget i Have a oc bruh


Basset Hound. New Japanimation.

Take a peek at my sneak Ü

I did his update lineart,but have this for now.

Day 19 of pixelart advent

16x16 Scarf, idk about this one it took me some time to make it somewhat decent, what do you think?

remember when i said i wasn't in 2 spirits team anymore?

SCREW IT! @Brumas_Dev here's another music! (i kinda recomend you to use adaptive OST, if you seach a lil', you will see what i mean)

the music:

I haven’t been super motivated to draw in general, buttt I drew something KINDA cool so enjoy.

Some of you might recognize this guy from a LONGGGGG time ago. :)