All Posts in The Growing Artist Aggregation

All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!
Thinking about buying a pen tablet, should I buy one?
7 votes Voting finished

Drew my Table Partners
/Friends of the year in Drawing Class!

sometimes i forget i Have a oc bruh

Take a peek at my sneak Ü
I did his update lineart,but have this for now.

remember when i said i wasn't in 2 spirits team anymore?
SCREW IT! @Brumas_Dev here's another music! (i kinda recomend you to use adaptive OST, if you seach a lil', you will see what i mean)
the music:

I haven’t been super motivated to draw in general, buttt I drew something KINDA cool so enjoy.
Some of you might recognize this guy from a LONGGGGG time ago. :)