Screenshot Saturday in Game Dev

Post GameDev things!

Floor -2

Fixed! Somewhat

The 1st one looks alright in picture but there's a lot of lumen shimmer due to low light

The 2nd one looks overexposed but gets rid of that shimmer.

I'm gonna have to play around a bit more


The game is officially reaching its Testing phase. while plenty of small things have been tested in the past, this is the first time I am sending my testers the full experience. So count me hyped!
On a different note, cool animations alert

Decided to take part in a game jam and after that - a break until the end of July, so no updates on JICE for now. But here is a fun comparison between the very first and current look!

We are still preparing the update, but the update makes the game much better than it is now. We are currently removing bugs.

Introducing another new element in the Insectile world: Soothe!
While Scare is offensive, Soothe is defensive. I wonder what happens when you mix them together. Hm...

What are some other potential traits that Insectiles could have?

Okay, its not all smooth sailing like I initially tought

Gonna have to play around with lumen

Деревни Новичок я этот сделал классный карты)


what do you think of the new trailer for Super Animal Soccer!

SAS is an arcady Soccer game with cool animals, customization, parry and much more.

Help us by wishlisting on steam:


Im not gonna sugarcoat it
#godot #pixelart