Genereal Stuff in löl

Elite member, speak up!

I truely don't deserve it...
I really don't...

How did i even get here...
Thank you so much...



I was tasked with creating 10 "fake" community icons for use in a Game Jolt presentation. They needed to look as though they hadn't all been created by the same artist (but they were LOL).


Alright, it's sloooowly coming together! :P

#pico8 #theBreadGame

Eyo here's some quick art for PYRO-ILLUSION!

Daz me

An fanart of a character made by @Aelean !

Not much, but I had fun doing this :)

(Her Character is on the right, my fanarts is on the left)

Hampy Mario Day

Hehe I know shapekeys now

Sometimes... not all heros wear capes!


This is a fanart for @CROS

(This is the 2nd fanart of the mods fanart series, the last one was made 2 months ago XD)

(Heres the 1st, an art of @thoro )…