requests in Pixel Art

Post those pixels!

can someone make tiles for my game?

Fanart request by my friend @AlphaGamer17 !

I loved the result, lol.

Help Wanted for a project.

Read the article below please!

So I managed to include the nose in the first sprite, but it came out kind of awkward in the second sprite. Does anyone have suggestions on how to improve it?

I need some pixel artists for my game. this is the character i need pixelized. i stink at pixel art. :C

also i need tiles for levels, enemys, and collectables.

TwistedFate is looking for help!

someone would like to do a pixel-art collab album with me? the theme is literally litlle techy budgets like LED's and gears, and transform into sum spaceship stuff

if someone want to, shout me and i'll maybe do a discord server for this

Hmm, ideas...???

Can someone give me tips on how to make good pixel art like from Into the Pit?

Hey! I don't post much on GJ and i'm wondering what i should post? That's why I'm asking YOU, what do YOU want me to post?

(Art by AnubiArts)