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Hey guys, I just wanted you to let any of you followers to know the game may be delayed. Some serious stuff happened IRL.

Devlog - Cooking Cutscenes.


8-bit sound effects + pixelated animations!

Since tomorrow is my birthday, I'd figure I'd hype up the game I've been cooking for the past 6 years with a demo release! The demo will be greatly unfinished and only provide a small look into the game itself.

Release is on the 23rd at 6:00 PM (CST)

I'm starting to think about canceling the desert door, I have other ideas I would like to get to and if it's bad it'll ruin the perfect snow door. I don't wanna cancel TD because I've been working on it for so long. I don't know what to do.

Hi yes good evening. Here for you a sketch about Shiro for today's mood.

As you may have noticed, he's very not impressed and also annoyed.

Anyway it's about school stuff, not you people. You folks are always welcome

Sprite de Iraide. La vecina de Ciro.


Iraide's sprite. Ciro's neighbor.


I redrew the first room. Also, the last devlog before Act 0 is released.

Also, I think I made this couch look even better.

It's slowly looking more and more like it's undeniably a couch which also doesn't look like garbage!

As happy as I am with this sprite, it's waaay too big for a regular enemy. Plus, I plan to have another iteration of the Bugsly species later on. I'll have to make a smaller version of this.

Takes up the whole damn screen lol, and it's not a boss