
Comments (6)

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Yo, this is really interesting and it seems well done and accurate... how much for a demo playable build? :)

It's great that there are people who find a couple of minutes of their time to come here and leave honest and useful opinion.
If you are one of them, just know, we appreciate and remember it.

Working hard to make you scary.

You are a field doctor's assistant who was heading to a distant village to help local peasants. Someone attacked your stagecoach and you wake up in a mass grave, being the only survivor. Curb your fear because you are waiting for facing incredible beasts and monsters, and you are only human.

The brutal and dangerous world of Redemption of the Damned will not give the chance to slack off, the slightest mistake may be the last. Remember: you are just a simple person and your opponents are creepy monsters from fairy tales and legends that turned out to be a deadly reality.

In the first turn the enemy is dangerous not by the number. Even among people there are those who themselves want to see how the world is ablaze. Learn supernatural hunting techniques and help the locals. Don't forget about yourself, because you also need water, food and sleep. But the most important thing is not to go crazy.

The RoD world is much bigger than it seems. How many secrets lie in forgotten but not abandoned ruins? How many answers can you find in the dark corners of the world around you? But you need to be careful and attentive, because mortal danger is everywhere.

You will have to hunt dangerous beasts and supernatural monsters - ordinary weapons will not help much. Carefully study your enemy, prepare thoroughly and remember the most important rule of any hunter - "always finish the fallen creature, without giving a chance for revenge".

In addition to ordinary monsters, there are those who remain in the shadows. Those about whom the legends have been made during the centuries. Standard methods cannot cope with this. Use the changing daytime to get an advantage. Keep an eye on the moon phases and be aware of the fact that anything can go not according to the plan.

#horror #adventure #survival #mythology #monsters

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

Redemption of the Damned. About the hands.

We're working on hands optimization. Do you like current position of the weapon/hands (now it's in the center like in CoD or Battlefield). Or do you think that it's better to arrange it somehow differently?


Redemption of the Damned. Devlog 8. Patrolling NPCs.

It's important to show the life in the settlements forced to drag out their existence on the cursed lands. System for generating villagers was developed. Each gets everyday occupation and appearance.

Redemption of the Damned. Devlog 7. Environment.

We're doing fine-tuning of the inventory system and drop, continuing the work on the villagers (NPC) and the trading system.

Big work on the environment you can see in the attached screenshots.

Redemption of the Damned. Devlog 6. Daytime change.

The cycle of day/night changes affects the activity of enemies, which prompts the player to adapt, study the world and the features inherent in monsters from the folklore of Western/Eastern Europe.

Redemption of the Damned. Devlog 5. The fog.

Fog - is an integral part of the game's plot.
It's especially important to set up its high-quality display at night time, avoid overexposure, not upset the balance of its color and the brightness of the moon.

"Redemption of the Damned" game (release date - Q1 2022). Devlog 4. Icons & indicators.

We are working on icons for weapons and other quick-use items (potion, drinks, food, etc.), statuses, bars.

Which variant do you like more?…


Redemption of the Damned. Devlog #3. Holy Cross etc.

In addition to a sword and a firearm, the standard hunter's inventory will include other objects that help in the fight against evil spirits - holy cross and holy water, a torch, wooden stakes.


Redemption of the Damned. Devlog #2. Vambraces.

Working with the vambracers of the main character we achieved shine, scratches and realistic metal effect.

Vambracers are part of the armor, defence for the forearm worn.

Redemption of the Damned. Devlog #1. Tavern.

Walls, floor, beams, stairs, roof - everything is made of modular parts.

In the work on the tavern a girl helps us not to drank ourself into oblivion. However, we will talk about her later.

PC horror "Redemption of the Damned" (#RoD) is scheduled for release in Q4. 2021.

Everything that frightened you in fairy tales and myths will come to life in the scenery of medieval Europe.

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