Animal Crossing
Post about Animal Crossing!

Grem if she was in animal crossing..I promise the other villagers are safe..

Made this piece for an art competition a couple years ago and it might still be my favorite piece to this day

this was the first animal crossing i had when i had my nintendo 3DS, it was pretty cool, not many coins tho haha.

i like so much animal crossing

#Gjasks what video game am I playing right now?

After a year and 7 months absence, I finally returned to Animal Crossing New Horizons.

It has been an experience!

(Silly pictures for your entertainment)


#GJAsks What Game are you currently playing?

Quite a few. But at this exact moment Animal crossing New Horizon

"Animal Crossing City Folk".


k.k slider in clay form!

The Pochacco outfit


Now I can make an Animal Ctossing graveyard 😂💀🪦☠️