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with working progress of the next demo i thought it will be time to work on some music to add for bob the blob, with the first world coming to completion i thought i need to make a theme for hydrovale. #gamedev #solodev


so far so good bob the blob is doing even after the engine switch to game maker studio!!! which it dose help me out a lot with progress 10 fold. #gamedev #solodev

#wip Low-Poly Shooter for a Horror Game I'm making.. Let me know your thoughts? #unrealengine #indiegamedev #scp #distractionstudios #solodev

#wip Low-Poly Shooter for a Horror Game I'm making.. Let me know your thoughts?#unrealengine #indiegamedev

For people that missed the stream here's a quick summary so far, i've made the level select screen and the buttons to go with it. allowing the players to pick the levels again or for the first time when they unlock the levels. #solodev #gamedev #gdevelop

The slayer rebirth on going now, available on Q4 2024! #action #actionadventure #newgame #playhabits #solodev