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The latest updates on the garage map. It is coming along nicely!

The game (should) be released in Q4/2024 if I have the time to finish it #devlife #solodev #indiedev

Wishlist it on Steam

"You can play without dev'ing, but you can't dev without playing" 🕵️‍♂️🎮

#IndieDevHour | #GameDev | #DevLife | #Gaming

It's goes with the territory: testing, hunting down and squashing bugs. Getting your hands dirty is part of the job... How's it going on your end, #IndieDev? 🤔😛

#IndieGame | #GameDev | #DevLife

Hello #IndieDev! 😜

Which part of #GameDev makes you want to procrastinate? 🤔

That one you avoid doing for days and days... Until you ABSOLUTELY have to? 😖😩

#IndieDevHour | #IndieGame | #DevLife

Is there anything more satisfying than watching the progress of our work over time? 😃😃

What do you think of our #ConceptArt | Family Portrait?

Can you name all the characters on the picture? 😃

#IndieGame | #DevLife | #RPG | #Noir | #Pecaminosa