General in Caketastic Cakes

Share your creations!

Anyone play Apex legends if so my username is Plaguedoc25 I'm online pretty often so I might play with you if you send me a friend request


I finally put the footage into a short - enjoy the magic!

First release date is out, new features named. Are any of you planning on upgrading? I can see some nice changes but would it be worth it?

People who watched Cyberpunk Edgerunners will know


WOOOOOO I got to go see Skillet live last night sorry about the audio quality idk why it's bad

Just wanted to say I've started streaming and I'm trying to stream everyday at 12:00 pm EST and maybe 6:00 pm EST so if you would like to join and watch me play some games here is the link to my twitch

I forgot to share this - over Christmas, we had a cookie contest between most of the people in our family. It was neat to see all the different things people made. The prize was the stuffed duck pictured. Can you believe I didn't win?! Still fun tho!

Nintendo Clock seems like it could be fun - not sure it is $99.99 fun, though, but maybe if the future dl is good enough. Anyone getting this?

Just finished my first playthrough of NieR: Automata after 10 hours and got ending A now to get the rest of them

Minecraft cake - cake

It's an old one, I could do a lot better nowadays, but no one is asking for mc cakes these days :(
