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Indie Games

and tomorrow i'll do the timer to my game, and what do i know about timers? nothing lol, so yeah... i'll give google a lot of work

Noticias del juego / game news

🐷Porky The Choppy Pig🐷

Semanal (Weekly) card envelopes (nº1) (75-77) of normal cards (Guaita, Ratiu, Ruibal) @santosalvaro


For day 604 of coding; I have changed the object's speed back, and allowed the sprite to change upon player collision in order to observe how the recent code additions will look

🐷Porky The Choppy Pig🐷

Default card envelopes (56-93) of normal cards @santosalvaro


For day 603 of coding, I've adjusted how fast the player and object will recoil from each other. To test the effect, I've also increased the object's speed

"At war with itself" #art #doodle #chibiart #everyday