Screenshot Saturday in Game Dev

Post GameDev things!

I'm slapping you with some development :3 (It's Chelo's "Claw" battle moves, "Claw" is just "Special" but cat)

another screenshot.

Level 2 progress: 43%

Here you go everyone! Chapter 1 is officially done!

Now working on chapter 2! "The Shop"

Only 1 frame left before Chapter 1 is done!

Umbrella mechanic is now in the game!

Chapter 1 : done in less than 2 days.

After 2 months without progress on the game , I am happy to say that the game developement resumes now!!!

Be HYPED for more screenshots and maybe a new trailer once the few firsts chapters are done!!!!

v1.5.0 Pre 4 Thingy ( crosspost)


This is one of the images that's going to be used for the game! It's been quite tedious having to make the cutscenes, but I'm still going