chatting in IRL

What's happening IRL for you?

on hiatus

In March I turn the big 30 🥳🎂

And honestly I'm fine with it, but Sarah has just asked me 'What I want for my birthday' & genuinely I have no idea 😅 like it'd be cool to get something cool, but honestly I don't want for much.

A mud wasp made it's home inside my skeletons skull

Finally! Something relatable.

A little about me...(Read article)

here is a random reddit type ahh story

Sup there friends i find a new hobby, with my new joystick pro controller i'll play to enjoy better Super Smash Bros Ultimate! (I'm so happy as fuck YEPEEEEE )

I’m lonely lol

As a child of the 90s, I am disappointed it took this long for me to learn of Willis Gibson's Tetris win. Oh, the hours I wasted on this game!
