Simulation / Sandbox / World Builder
Post about Simulation / Sandbox / World Builder!

We used a different model for fences back in the early days. Check out the before and after to see the progress! We're also working on leveling up fences even further: depending on area themes, fences will have different skins💥

Copper ressources camp

Interact with this post if it hits home for you, applies to lots of different games😅

Just a reminder The Trailer Box is in the game on the South side of Pirate Island.
The Lands of Creativity are waiting.

Cocoa Plantation(Food ressources camp)

I was so startled when I chanced up this creature on a cold winter night. What do you think? Trash panda? Garbage bear? Alien???

#stardewvalley #alienseverywhere

Intern went on a little adventure to check out how their friends were coping with the power shortage. Intern stumbled upon a wave generator, which is much better, and super eco-friendly for Morps♻️🌿

Without a doubt, one of the most common questions we've been asked over the past week is "Will you be supporting VR?" Well, after today we can respond with a resounding yes!
1st stretch goal reached!…