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Heya fellas any suggestions on what to draw ? I'm always up for fanart obvs but I can't also do any of your suggestions just don't make them to odd #silly #suggestions #draw #art #goober #whatnow

Re-sharing, as submissions are still open, and will be for a while. Get your ideas in there!…

#kirby #fangame #gaming #gamedev #gamedesign #nintendo #pcgaming #retro #ideas #suggestions

Someone said it didn't have a pause menu or an inventory, well that got added along with a few other things to help you along on your journey. Enjoy!

#Anomalies #Ingame #SneakPeak #SubjectToChange #Suggestions #Improvements

Making a new Charcoal sprite is proving to be a very challenging task... Any suggestions?

#suggestions #summer #charcoal #sprites #spritework #item

Any name suggestions for our poet character? This one can get really weird. We'll be running a poll to decide his name soon. :) #suggestions #poet #poetry #gamedev #indiedev