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In all their existence on the Motherboard, Sandbags have never been known for their cunning tactics and discipline in battle and this is one their new ground-breaking "martial-arts".

#GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #CCG #Card #CardGame

Other than the fact that they are all brothers, not much else is known about the Sandbags. What they are or where they originated from remains yet a mistery.

Discover more about Sandbags in #CheatDefence CARDS!

#GameDev #CCG #PixelArt #Card

The Card of The Curse #Joltober2023

this took long, I'm hella sleepy now, and I'm not 100% happy with the end product but like it is what it is

#Card #DigitalDesign #Cursed #Curse #Hand #Shattered #Halloween #Helloween #DigitalArt #Dark