General in Game Dev

Post GameDev things!

всем приветТак я сделал своё лого,энергию и расход энергию,сегодня,либо завтра буду делать ии для деквора и также,если вы художник напишите в коменты!мне вы нужны

If you can draw, write to me in the comments.

¿Qué tal, cómo preferís el mapa con el mismo filtro que los demás (la segunda imagen) o sin él (la primera imagen)?


What's up, how do you prefer the map with the same filter as the others (the second image) or without (the first image)?

Chronicles of Bushido has been update yet again, bringing in a new story mission and great additions to the character creation process! Remember to transfer your save files to the new version!

After a whole year, Into Draconia has been updated once again, bringing a whole bunch of Quality-of-Life features, voice acting (!), as well as fixing a myriad of bugs! Remember to transfer your save files to the new version!

Hey guys. I have a question. Should I reveal the release date for #fnafPIXLEmode #fnafPM is the nest trailer?

  4 votes 2 days left

For day 788 of coding, I have fixed the positional problem when going room to room


What has changed?

◆ Fix hitbox map

◆ Fix inventory

◆ Fix menu

[NEW DEMO 0.7]

What has changed?

◆ New game map

◆ New main menu

◆ New charecter (Player)

◆ New features!

◆ Redesigned day and night cycle

What's new?

◆ New events

◆ New player

⇩ GAME ⇩

most serious dtbl moment

Swapfell: true story! Is looking for new members, looking for everything from composers, sprite and concept artists, coders, writers, ect. Link to game below

Also PLEASE go give them a follow