Share Your Legend of Zelda Creations!

Another Shrine (Breath of the Wild)

What Video Game Prop Do You Wish Owned IRL? #GJAsks
I wish I could own the Golden Gauntlets from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to be able to lift really heavy objects.
Or own the Double-Clawshot from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Y’all need a RAVE Zelda Remix? Highly suggest checking out this one by VGR

Such a beautiful Ad for the most recent addition to the Zelda Franchise. #EchoesOfWisdom

Zelda TOTK Ukouh Shrine In Minecraft

SA. 81. “Balancing the Swirled Pearls”
D - 4500x8000
Pre-Swirl: (about) 02:00:00
Swirled Abstract: 03:52:32
Total: 05:52:32
Source: Art Collab
Collab Partner: DaYo
#SwirledAbstract #Art #LegendOfZelda #WindWaker #ToonLink #Link #GoddessPearls

Here's my last showcase before I get back to work on new things: Featuring a redesigned HUD and recreating Deku Sticks in 2D!
It was my pleasure giving you small glimpses every now & then, but Zelda showcases will be going on hiatus until I have more.
Coming out of my hibernation to post this because I'm so happy with it!

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