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Indo para a minha nave satélite. Bom dia

#GJAsks Minecraft RTX.

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#gjasks Guys i have a challenge for you

(Look at the post article to know the name of the challenge) #challenges #gamejoltchallenges

Good morning guys! My eye is swollen. But i am ok! :D

(Bom dia gente! Meu olho ta

Inchado. Mais eu estou bem! :D)


Two blind idiots. ._.


Un poco del proceso de mural para este local de comidas rápidas! yo opino que la comida es un buen reto a la técnica, en general, tratar con texturas tán variadas es complejo, pero esta es mi versión de una hamburguesa y un burrito, con papas!😋

Not gonna lie, using phone isn't working for make video game because anyone can't make it and create a bad low games

Just use computer for making video games right now