All Posts in Arts n' Crafts

Show off your work!

This was surprisingly fun to draw

Icy Blowhog

FR: Ce sera pour une prochaine vidéo et animé. Qu'en pensez-vous ?

EN: It will be for a future video and animated. What do you think ?

school doodles from the past week

spoiler alert most of them are pikmin related

tem and allergic hair dye

yall, i did this with mouse. i'm not fucking with yall. holy shit, i'm shaking wtf.

There we go, Stairs are working again! And now the first floor of the Caves have Stone Walls instead of the Rock ones.

After a week without being able to do anything, I present to you... MY FIRST SAMPLE OF LIFE

Скоро начнётся шоу... (читайте article)

Tainted keeper vs. clutch!