General in Game Dev

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Devlog #9

2 enemies are at their minimum viable code!

*Read the article for more details*

why development for this will be kept mostly subtle


For day 643 of coding, I have attempted to put a sound effect to the player's steps. Right now it's not playing very frequently, so I'll have to look into it later

I think I have a fix for a major bug I need to fix, I just need to figure out how to make it actually work.

yall should thank me for keeping myself from posting some of the outrageous stuff that pops out of my head 🥔

i be saving yall's brain cells multiple times a day and no body even a little thankful 😔


hacking the complex

Guris doom cast idk

3 teachers - serious threat

Does anyone else get actual headaches whenever they're programming?

'cuz I am now, suddenly, for some reason....

new desings :3