chatting in IRL

What's happening IRL for you?

I recently built this custom #JurassicPark PC, which was super fun! I've now got another PC (older spec) so maybe another custom PC but with the theme being something simple that the PC can happily run, something for a kids first #GamingPC maybe? Ideas?

I just got double-vaccinated yesterday and as is such I'm feeling really crappy today. My immune system is being beefed up to 'Space Marine mode' but to get there one must pass through hell.

I'm not even sure if I can handle a 'No-Gi BJJ' class tonight.

Hey guys, I have a 3rd account @NyaGames3_0

Also look at this Jesus video, bucz I haven’t seen any views in this post yet,…

This is how I feel after passing Exam 1 in Huma 1301 with a 9/10 (this is a good thing, next time, I'm reading that flippin' textbook)

Hello everyone it's been 5 weeks and I'm back.

Conjuring up an album idea

Some beautiful pictures I took, cat ones are recent and the sunset is old

Something to brighten up your day.

Original video: 😆

I'm bored.

So I made my own thingy 🤧


One Piece

..... of pie.

and i realize i spelled one wrong