Turn yourself in

He is waiting for you...
(Blood doctor body reveal)

All fangames enjoyers must listen to this.
I died of laugh near the end XD
Relatable these times, right?

The Leon NFT Co made new 7 nfts! each series will have 10 nfts, heres the nfts
Green Leon
Toppat Leon
Feelin Leon
Fairy Bot Leon
Furnace Leon
Inverted Leon
OG Leon
Uber Leon
which are your favorites?

v0.3.5 (Alpha) is out now
W h y d o y o u h i d e i n s i d e t h e w a l l s . . .

Do you have what it needs to stand there?
The blood doctor
October 31, 2022

Hey guys i picked up an old idea and started working on an new Game✨
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