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Mario.GBC - Mario CreepyPasta Game - Easter Egg
A brand new Mario.exe retake on GBStudio that will be running on the real GameBoy. We don't say that this game will be something super-scary and super-cool, ...
Tom Plays Shantae Part 3
Great progress was made in my blind playthrough of Shantae I beat the boss of the Dribble Fountain dungeon and was awarded the Dribble Stone. Then I was told...
Tom Plays Shantae Part 2
More Shantae. I manage to get inside the Dribble Fountain and find a guardian genie in the dungeon which teaches Shantae a new dance this dance when performe...
Tom Plays Shantae Part 1
Shantae's first quest begins. I have plans to play through all of them. This was the very first one this was not released on Steam it was only released on Ga...


6 Kirbys,6 Nintendo Consoles

Each Kirby is following a Nintendo console, with pallette limitations, general artstyle, etc.

Once again I'm late AF but still

#Kirby #FanartFriday #Art #PixelArt #lilYosh #Gameboy #GBC #NES #SNES #VirtualBoy #GBA