Work in Progress in Blender

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I just want to know cuz i haven't applied the mirror modifier yet (the thing that makes modelling 50% easier). If there's anything that would make it better minus the scope and attachments, could you kindly tell me in the comment section.
The Scar-h


still working on cell shading models, making sure this is the technique i want to use going forward but i think im sold, what do you think?


Alhamdulilah "Thank God"

Still Working On It

So the I made so where the snout and cheeks of the Toy's could be removed. Should they remove their snout during the nights, just like how Toy Chica removes her beak?

I finally finished texturing his legs!!!

Dandy's Model v1 finished



Since I'm not busy right now, I decided to import the house model into UE5.

(yes I'm still trying to get the hang of this engine)

I also modeled the chair, the couch and the boiler.

Still working.