All Posts in Ajuda game maker studio 2

este grup foi criado para ajuda as pessoas a usar o game maker studio 2 no brasil

I think I should rip all the Flooring out of my game...
They're objects, and I don't think they need to be.

My game Rabbit's Rescue is now free (I realised I was better at making games than selling games )

Rewrote yesterdays draw code to instead of being 2 big blocks to be 1 big block, but in a little <=1 for loop, with fresh variables for second pass!

It might look the same, but under the hood it's WAY better!
Now I must run to the shop before it closes

"At the Dream End" Collection Now Available!

ATDE 1 + ATDE 2 Available in One Bundle.

Did a quick test of using Sand tiles under my shore water...think it's going to need more work than just swapping out the tile.
Looks like I can get rid of the cropped tiles though if I do this...

edit: without the cropping