Share your creations!

Falcon Punch!🦅🤯


It's been a while since we posted this #ConceptArt... 🤔

Our main character - John Souza. 🕵️🥃

What do you think of it?

#IndieGame | #Noir | #RPG

Imagine your game in an arcade cabinet! Create a game in GameMaker, publish it on GXC to win cash prizes from a pool of $33,000 USD and a chance for your game to be featured in arcade cabinets!


Today I animated the newest addition to the glitch army, the Glitch Feathermen. Armed with huge scepters they can summon powerful glitch spells, but the infection makes them weak and slow.


I really like how this new version of the Shaman is turning out! What do You think?



۹( ÒہÓ )۶ LOOK OVER HERE ۹( ÒہÓ )۶ Its FUN, its FREE, its Space Bugs! Try it out let me know what you think :D


I spent a lot of time bug fixing today D: BUT all is fixed now :D and here is some progress for today

Love is in the air... 💕

#IndieGame | #ValentinesDay | #RPG | #PixelArt


New skills for Adventure / Explorer kit.


Happy Valentines Day!!!

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