general in Pixel Art

Post those pixels!

A masterpiece... request by @DonTheRallySega !

I hope you like it!!


you're all amazing

Street Gnome.

"Tortuga" the new character of my #indiegame is here to say hi :)

What do you think about this #pixelart style?

Follow for more #gamedev updates on this project!




Stay sharp

Honedge pixelart, tried to do something simpler this time. I quite liked it so new profile picture

Hello! I finally made a first triplet for Haru's character! Talking about sprites, ofc! I'm sorry, I can't work with simple placeholders so I obviously made some sprites instead. I won't post them tho! You'll see the magic when I'll post a video instead

Каменный жук
Жук с камнеподобным панцирем. Его панцирь реально прочный и выглядит как камень. Живёт в пещерах, или скалистых местностях. В поисках пропитания, или угрозы способен замаскироваться под сталагмит, или сталактит. Смотрите на верх и по сторонам