character_screeshots in Indie Game Community

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Well hello! As you may noticed, I mentioned that I'm curently happy with San's new look. I finished working on this drawing about him and so...

Say hi to San ! Oh, and I also added the others to the bullet list! Gotta go to work now, stay tuned!

Hello hello there! Currently listening to This FFFire (Franz Ferdinand) and working on this fella... it took me a while, but soon I'll be able to post the full work! Look at that grin... don't you want to slap him in the face and then kiss his cheek??

Spiffy model updates!!

Hello! I'm currently applying colors to San's drawing. I'm taking it easy peasy and it's taking me days because I also have accademy's lessons to attend and well, did you remember I wasn't feeling well? Apparently you can get a flu out of anger

HELP! I am trying to update Spiffy's appearance by giving him a (test) bandana and I think it's nice. But yet again, something's off. I don't know, maybe his body or stance or something...

Been struggling for a bit. And I need a good design for my game.

Hello! Sorry for not posting anything else... I'm currently having problems with my perseverance. Hopefully, is just a short period of tiredness and I'll be able to continue to work on this project soon. In the meantime, here for you a revisited San!

The Lonesome shooter : A Father's Retribution is a first person shooter. #action #shooter #fps

Yeah it’s him the one and only Gary he’s my original character, and he’s kinda the best please put all your stickers on him to make his day!


Look at this idiot burn 🥶

Today's mood: young Sadao's confusion

I'm making Stickers! Since I can't do it for Gamejolt (...yet ) I'm doing them for myself instead. This will also help me to study characterization and making up ideas for my manga.

Stay tuned for more news!