Traditional Art! ✏️ in Digital Art! ✨

Share your imagination with the world!

Cordelia - Dead Estate Fanart | I hope you enjoy it :3

pui pui

obligatory caption

Me just trying draw my silly gay fly oc

My brain: it looks Dazai from bsd

Everyone else in my grade: is that Willy Wonka?

Pls help

school doodles from this week

I'm bored

ESP: Más grafitis...ignoren las palabras las elegi al azar

ENG: More graffiti...ignore the words, I chose them at random

Some doodles I forgot to post Wednesday

Found these in my room at the old apartment and forgot I drew them


I drew Koishi Komeiji who appears in KKHTA.

I thought Sentakusen's drawings were nice, so I drew them for the first time in a while.