General in Game Dev

Post GameDev things!

Dangerous encounter 😱

What will you do… When it attacks your BASE? Stay tuned for upcoming updates!

Working at the Antiquated/Classic Freddy

(It's just Broken Freddy but classic)


For day 554 of coding, I have changed the room placement method to adhere to a grid

#gamedev #gamedeveloper #gamedesign #coding #dailycoding #dailycodingchallenge #dailycodinghabit #GMS2 #gamemakerstudio2 #gamemaker #gamemaking

Внимание требуются помощники для второй части пять ночей с копатычем. Если @Vairy согласиться нам помочь мы сразу начнём разработку.

gonna be away from my computer until Saturday so don't ask why I'm not giving updates and such. speaking of which game progress is going quite well and I will probably give an update upon my return.

You miss funband?
Well, funkband found you!

Im sorry for the long time without advance, but i now i have a big suprise!



Tests in Progress!

Back from Dad's house and work, now let's get back to work!