Art in GameMaker

Share your creations!

Slime Hill teaser image

How about a little concept art for ya! Check out this old sketch we did! This eventually went on to become a scene from inside the game!

What is the essence of lost souls? What is it like to work on making these lost souls? Check out some behind the scenes of our work!

Someone sent us a gameboy version of our logo! Check this out and let us know what you would think about playing Death Or Glory on Gameboy!

Out with the old and in with the new. Make that turn and try out Will You Snail?

Happy Birthday To the man himself sonic!



Woooh!! Also I've got a need- a need for speed

beautiful piece of art.



I did a big rework of the character's facial hair, I've also made the teeth and her tong, hope you like it :)

I make a new Sprites from the character Cry

Well the old sprite is weird, and I make the sprite in Deltarune style