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For day 482 of coding, I have made some arrows to display with the selected option except for the last two

April update! I hope you're all keeping well!

Mostly just caves again this month, but there was other random small things I fixed/updated.

Everything in the below!


For day 481 of coding, I have some of the options react to mouse clicks

The NEW UTRCraft out now on its website: IT'S REAL AND IT'S PLAYABLE NOW (still old GMS tho . _.)

Join the Monodo Discord server now that it's back in business to discover secrets, news, and more!


Univortal GameTest #3


Spent all day and night designing and reworking stuff, so's frogs.


For day 480 of coding, I managed to apply some mouse interactions with the options menu. The interaction for mouse clicks will be worked on later

Added new food, Pasta!

Also started work on the Stat Buff system

Did a rework of how the chunk parts are done, and set up this new Ruins type, I had to make a exception to skip the code that mirrors the chunk sub-parts for the side rooms, since that would make water spawn down their middles.