show_and_tell in Indie Game

Share your creations!

It probably won't be a surprise if I say that during a year of creating my first game I learned a lot. Here is an example of how I drew at the beginning of development, and how I draw now :)

26 days left until the release!
#survival #adventure #teaser


Hello there, Jolters

I've been working on some new types of movement to put in the projects that I've been working on!

These all probably won't be in Civilization Control but could be in my other projects.


#NinjaScroller 1.61.4 BUILD 45 AVAILABLE


A challenging #PixelArt #ActionRunner game with a #Retrogaming vibe🕹️

Watch 30s of #Gameplay 20240721

Available on #Steam:

First image snippets of my third game. It's W-I-P, but I'll eventually finish it soon enough. Also, the second game port's done so maybe I'll release it next month alongside an update to the PC port. - :)

More of the Giant Developer's Desk.

Ophila on a cover

Unlike the base game, in my version it will be Ophila who is on the cover of the game, not Jumbo Josh, since she appears more

#IndieDev #DigitalArtist #DigitalArt #GartenOfBanBan #Fangame #GartenOfBitBit #GameCover #IndieGame #GameDev

Ophila sleeping:

The illogic of the original game makes me angry, WHY DON'T OPHILA KILL THE FATHER AT THE BEGINNING? so in my version Ophila will be asleep

#IndieDev #GameDev #PixelArt #GartenOfBanBan #Fangame #GartenOfBitBit #PixelAnimator #PixelGame

Before and after pictures! I don't have too many updates yet, so I wanted to share what the game used to look like and what it currently looks like.

Help at Garten Of BitBit

I finally finished the animation of walking sideways but 2 versions came out so I want to give you a choice because I won't choose something you don't like, vote freely

#IndieDev #IndieAnimation #GartenOfBanBan #Fangame #PixelArt

  16 votes Voting finished

Now there is a store