What's happening IRL for you?

Our Intergalactic Party was out of this world!

This video is the next best thing to having been there.


Our team and Townseek appeared on the big screen at the Game Jolt Intergalactic Party here at GDC! They are featuring a bunch of Game Jolt Creators and games on a sizzle reel and we were on it! 🤯

(We didn't get to be at the VIP section upstairs though. 🥹)


My partner loves Lego and Batman (especially Grant Morrison Batman) so I made him a giant Lego Batman figure birthday cake! Made his limbs out of Rice Krispie treats because Richard prefers that to cake

I finally got around to hanging up the 'Ivy' to add to my office background. Think it looks alright? 🤷‍♂️🌿

Still alive! Last week was insanely busy and stressful for me - but totally worth it. We had 24 family members for thanksgiving at my house, and then saturday was my son's eagle scout court of honor (with 70 guests). I baked A LOT!


staring contest with the kitty

I took a photo of our cat named midnight.

Y he so silli?


This place is really nice!

#irl #traveling

Went out in the snow yesterday to choose our Christmas Tree 🎄

Sebby's first tree picking! For his first Christmas! 🥹

Want the fun of being outside with none of the grass allergies? It's IRL, your place to get out and touch grass on Game Jolt.


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