For day 478 of coding, I have altered how the wager information is displayed. I'm not sure if I'm ok with how it is right now
For day 477 of coding, I have placed buttons on the wager screen for the mouse to click on
For day 476 of coding, I had the game draw a grid to measure things better. I've also adjusted the menu mouse detection to better effect
This is the second and last "balancing patch" for now! From next week, we'll start adding new cards again, look forward to it!
We've also been updating the old art of set 1 with new, high res, illustrations from our artists!
For day 475 of coding, the mouse can now click on the title choice selections. Detection is a little spotty, and will need some adjustments
For day 474 of coding, I made a variable that keeps track of whether or not the mouse is actively being used. The purpose is to prevent the mouse and keyboard controls from conflicting too much
Hatsune Miku is Coming to Magic: The Gathering
For day 473 of coding, the mouse can now highlight one of the other two choices and leave only one highlighted among all the choices
For day 472 of coding, I have started building the means for mouse interactivity. So far, the numbers become highlighted based on mouse position