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Day 12: Porcupine fish

I am back with making new stuffs for this game. Here are some shots of the stuffs:

1. Brought a boss from Raiders Rush.

2. Black gun for Kandor.

Hello! I won't do Gamejolt drawing quests anymore for the sake of my project.

Since I'm really busy wth school, in my little free time I'll work on my project. No distractions! I managed to continue a character's drawing. Her name is Hana, say hi

We're cooking bois :3

The deep end demo is released, the windows is the most stable platform, but I can't guarantee the same for linux or mac. I'm looking for testers on these platforms so fix all the issues asap. Anyway hope you have fun guys :3

The demo is now live on Steam!

Let's hope this #SteamNextFest is going to be a blast…

We will also post a #gamejolt version if we get more people interested in it, because so far we only have 17 people who are following the page :(

Meet Bernat, our lead on multiplayer online! 🌐 He makes sure everything runs smoothly in online play. And yes, he’s passionate about Netcode (is that even possible?) 😄 #gamedev #indiedev

Get ready to deploy your commando squad in the contaminated zone.

Actually what I am trying to say is that I am preparing to release the DEMO on Steam in a few moments and I am scared AF !

#gamedev #feedbackfriday

The trailer of the game is already next week

With the slowdown effect, the fights are much more enjoyable!

Hello!!! I'm doing a university project in which we have to create a new video game studio and devlog on social networks! The new studio is called Astral Cat and you can follow it on Gamejolt: