Art Talk in The Growing Artist Aggregation

All things art go here! Share your awesome creations!!

Calling artists!

Is using A.I. art for pose references illegal? Does the product count as AI generated?

For research.

Money well spent :3

(Bondee's Barnyard Arts) The child as Chickling.

It's just been 2 days..

So, I decided to try out InZOI's demo and recreate Lin in it!! I really loved the body and face editor and I had a blast using it but I wish there's more hair and clothing options in the future.

#art #inzoi #videogames #gaming #oc #ocart

Hmm, ideas...???

I understand the others but y'all two need to get out of there 😭 You should not be giving Phil love 😭

@QuoteRed @Victoree


Mostrando um pouco do novos gibi

(Bondee's Barnyard as inside out. Art) Anxiety as Daisy Flowers.

Luiz adventure atlantos saga

Yes new project HQ