General in GameMaker
For day 558 of coding; I tried putting in larger rooms to see if it was possible with the current code, and it worked
For day 557 of coding, I have fixed the issue with path creation
For day 556 of coding, I have fixed the issue with room creation and even made an additional room shape. I now have to see why the path isn't connecting on the right or bottom sides of its destination
Demo Test of Upcoming fangame(WIP) - 22.7.2024
Trailer and more information about it coming this year
For day 555 of coding, I tried using structs to store and retrieve room information. I'll need to look into and fix how the struct information gets translated
For day 554 of coding, I have changed the room placement method to adhere to a grid
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For day 553 of coding, I've tried to utilize a timer for when the object collides with the player. That didn't work; the colliding objects can still be stuck on the player
For day 552 of coding, the ricocheting objects now have basic collision with the player. There is some work that needs to be done as some interesting things will happen based on how the collision happened