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A short piece of gameplay showing defeating the last monster in the intro/tutorial.

Freedrive Moonlight: Enhanced Edition has had it's first Beta Release, check it out and give feedback on Discord.

*X-Men theme intensifies*

Well that didn't work.
Tried to put some RNG into the Plaque text so some of it wouldn't be readable.

Back to the drawing board!

Hola sigo vivo

Aquí algunos adelantos del proyecto, que aunque he estado medio de vago sigo haciendo xd.

El proyecto a tenido algunos bugs últimamente así que tardara mucho mas de lo que pensaba.

De paso les muestro algunos nuevos personajes.

🐍 Wyren vs. Flutter Viper: North Plateau showdown! Ready to dodge mutant madness? 🎮😂 #FlutterViper #LOAD #IndieGame #Demo

Happy May everyone! Thank you all so very much for your support!
Special thanks to @SubterraneanExhibit @Azumanga_Katherine and @AruOrlando for gifting the most Charged Stickers!

I hope you all had an awesome April and have an amazing May!

The next Mikey The Hero: Dimensions sneak peek is coming today...


New screenshots of my Resident Evil Parody : Resident Ridiculous.
You can see Chris Roquefort exploring the Gruyere mansion.