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#Sonic.Exe going #Mad #Joltober2023 Theme #Madness as well as #EXEFriday and the #Artweeklies theme #SonicTheHedgehog and #Robotic which i count #EggMans #Machine under

[second image #blood]

I think i might know why @CROS is shut down fireside on @gamejolt .

#WEWANTFIRESIDES #fireside #firesides #stream


NOO!! Not the Game Jolt Firesides!! I loving having them! Why?

#News #No #Fireside #Firesides #Gamejolt #Yeti_for_Action

Click the article below for more info on our QnA stream!

Thinking about doing my first #fireside tonight! Maybe giveaway a few shiny Pokémon to the #gamejolt community! Thoughts?

Slap a sticker on a Mon to claim it! Don't be afraid to charge them up either!