Art in Game Jolt Creators

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My attempt at the Sonic Riders style. Thought it’d be fun and wanted to draw Tails’ riders outfit 💕


Sylvie, Caithlin and Brixie in winter outfits!

Fanart for @Imacrazykid4noreason hope you like it!!


🐸 #AbathorBestiary

Red Sapiro - Zone 4

#PixelArt #ドット絵 #RetroGaming #レトロゲーム #GameDev #ピクセルアート #IndieGame #ゲーム開発 #8bit #16bit

AYY!!! WIP of Nartonne's new ref sheet!!

Tf is this?

Только грифельный карандаш #art

I spent so long on this.