Work In Progress ⏳ in Digital Art! ✨

I don't remember if I shared this sketch or not but I'm starting to work on this illustration again because it's a project that's going to be included in a fanzine I'm making with friends o/

A little work in progress! I'm still figuring my characters out, but I know I want a bunny friend for Aurora, my cat-witch!

Working on remaking the sprite for this absolute abomination of an enemy.
Think I might've posted about these guys before. If not well-

Rough model prototyping for how Toy Foxy would look to a Maiden and comparison to Cake Baker Toy Chica. I will now take some additional courses before i will proceed to finish these models. I forgot alot of Blender tricks so i could feel secure.

Adding the flat colors to these characters !

A little sketch for a potential magnet that somebody ordered (but they haven't answered my email for the last month so I think I'll never finish it :') )