Game Dev
Post about Game Dev!

It is said that when a Sandbag dies, they shed their body and their soul takes flight. Though some consider this to be proof enough of the supposition theorizing their divine nature, there is no concrete evidence of this.

Okay, its not all smooth sailing like I initially tought

Gonna have to play around with lumen

"Supr Jamp" official poster

Garten Of Bit Bit Protagonist

I'm already working on the animations, details, and how to save certain things so that the game can run well on any PC without them exploding.

#IndieDev #PixelArt #PixelArtist #GartenOfBitBit #FanGame #GartenOfBanBan #GameDev

The next weapon's ammunitions will pass through walls after a short delay and explode on the other side !

Use it wisely to trap your ennemies !


Look how tiny James is!

Aikido folks don't normally call opponents "enemies"... But here are the Randori Masters enemies.

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Sneak peek to new revamped controls in Pongo17!
After few tries I finally make it work with a nice UI design.

What do you guys think about the 3 modes to control the paddle ? ^_^


I've implemented the basic gameplay loop. It seems to work like a charm. Now all that's left is to implement one more thing, and game would finally reach the alpha stages. If you've been following the series and my work, you can guess what that is.

Uscita la 0.4 di Cat vs Memes!!!