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Death In The Afternoon: Devlog #3 - April 11th

Join me in the FEVERDREAM game jam!
This special game jam will have a video playthrough of YOUR GAME, along with some fun little challenges!


<Flashing lights warning>

Throughout the past few weeks of developing Hypertrig, my Gunstar Heroes/NES Mega Man inspired game, I've been working on "enemy ambushes". Here's a rough preview of that!

UPDATE: On Vol. 1

- Powerline microgame, sub-collision from the spark's mask.

- Menu screen added "Vol."

made this in like 30 minutes

not proud of it + it's all traced shit

but tf did you expect from me ? am a programmer not an artist 🥔


For day 453 of coding, I got more cards to appear through the "Hit" action

Some draft of a possible new game ... stay tuned .

Heck Yeah! Fixed my Rolling bug!

I had to change the tile collision check to check for all four sides of the player colliding with the tile, instead of just if one of them collided. Weird, but it works.
Now, back to Cave Gen!

WOOPS! Well that's a bug!

Should be easy to fix, but wow that could have gone unnoticed for a while...