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I'm going to wrap up my update for this game and prevent me from feature creep.

Here are couple stuffs I've done in the last week:


Cut from my recently released game on the unreal engine


Thank you for your support, watch the video what I have to say there's a gift for you , I would really want to develop this game I hope you would love it as well.

You can read more about the game here!
My Patreon Page :

took me 2 weeks but i added a new lizard man enemy to my game (the reason 2 weeks is cuz im only home on weekends RN,i would have finished him in like a week or less)

Survive and Slash - New Lizard Man Enemy
New Lizard Man Enemy for my game4 attack moves, also 50% chance of evading attacks when being striked on ground

We just rolled out the first hotfix for BattleJuice Alchemist EA today! All the details in the article below!

Hey guys, just wanna get your opinion on somethin


Does this make sense? I'm not sure. However, I like such little things. Why not make yourself a cup of tea as you travel through the Honey Acres?


Alright GameJolt, gimme your best story ideas for an fps. and i want details!