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Happy Sunday everyone! I hope you are well!

Off to lunch at parents, think we're having lamb!

Please look after yourselves and have a fantastic day!


Basic Actions infographic


For day 442 of coding, I have made the sixth page of "How to Play"; briefly decribing the mechanics of Double Down

Fishing is no longer Shore object related, now just checks the grid for Deep or deeper water.
This means I can have Underground fishing!

Still need to add bait and a UI, but does this look easy enough to understand, play?

I’m happy to Announce that the demo of the game is finally released!! My very 1st game released this is so exciting :D

Thanks for waiting, and please enjoy the game.

#draco #dragon #indie #demo

MELT DUDE IS COMPLETELY OUT!!! 4 Levels, 4 Bosses and Lots of Fun for the moderate price of...FREE!


Development of Skelethrone: The Chronicles of Ericona continues! If you are interested in the project, you can read the prologue of Skelethrone: The Prey

Game on Steam:


I LIED, still awake, did the code.
Grid collision now flips so you can't walk into the ocean, and can't sail on the land!

You can do both on Shallows

now slep

🌟"Searching Light" Update!🌟

We've launched a Devlog & public Trello board. Dive into our development journey and more details here:

I need help