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For day 451 of coding; I made a new page at the beginning of the "How to Play' section that warns the player to play responsibly

There we go! Everything's working again and the new Cave system is going well! Next I need to finish up the area subshapes, and add some other types.

Unfortunately now though I have to go walk around for a couple hours and listen to an audio book.

OK! Got Entrances and Exit Stairs being created in the correct places.

Now I just need to work out how I broke the Underground
I probably turned off the Gen code for it when I disabled the old Cave Gen method.

I'm working on a tileset for a forest area in Lutaland, and I figured out something that I really like! What do you think?


For day 450 of coding, I made a new deck style that can be switched to

Team request update.

If you're a GML programmer or a translator looking for a project, please read the article below.

Happy Sunday everyone! No sunday lunch for me today, parents are on holiday

I hope you're all well!

I've been making a new Cave system that should be much more efficient, but it's also less random and will take work to make it look naturally cavelike.

I can't promise any more projects, but..

How long... has the game jolt still been alive?