show_and_tell in Indie Game

Share your creations!

Dev leak - 1

Slide mechanic for HTCS

Adding more Skills.

Hello! I'm starting to create a chess resource management game.

I'm currently creating a prototype to share some ideas.

The peasants can harvest the wood create a barracks, which can create additional chess pieces.

For more Info:…


Medieval Hotline Miami!

Started making a game on #GameMaker inspired by Hotline Miami, but in a medieval setting. What do you think?


Update from yesterdays post, Frank and his shop are game ready now, wdya think?

Дорогие подписчики Lackadaisy's Little Nightmare . Хочу вам показать новую миниатюру игры для геймджолт.


#UnderwaterDiving BETA DEMO 0.98.0 AVAILABLE

You are an #underwater #diver surrounded by aggressive fish and minefields

USP: Energy <=> Life + Stamina + Oxygen

Watch 30s of #Gameplay 20240710

BETA DEMO also available on #Steam:


a new version Unity NextBot-ness is out, featuring a new type of special opponent, where with every (re-)start of a level you get a random chance to face against.
here's the (loading) sequence once you get that chance

Graphic update!


New characters comming soon